Empowered to Break Up with Excess Sodium

Learn how to break up with excess sodium and understand how sodium is a cardiovascular risk in everyone’s community.


Diverse Groups at Risk

High blood pressure (HBP) among African Americans is among the highest in the U.S.:

  • Over 55% of non-Hispanic black people have HBP.
  • Among Hispanics more than 45% have HBP.
  • Over 45% of Asian Americans have HBP.

This lesson reviews what you need to understand about hidden sources of sodium and how to identify sodium on food packaging, as well as the link between sodium intake and cardiovascular risk. The information in the lesson also provides ways to break up with excess sodium and embrace a healthier relationship.

Empowered to Serve™ Health Lesson: Break Up with Excess Sodium | Our bodies need some sodium to function normally.

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Get the Scoop on Sodium

Did You Know?

  • Nine out of 10 Americans consume too much sodium.
  • Sodium added to food outside the home makes up for more than two-thirds of the total sodium intake in the U.S.
  • More than 70% of sodium consumed is from processed, packaged and restaurant foods.


Amgen proudly supports the American Heart Association’s EmPOWERED To Serve Initiative.