Asian woman standing with her arms crossed in a greenhouse with plants surrounding her

Social Entrepreneurs & Nonprofits

Brands that know their mission, live.
Brands that live their mission, lead.

In an interview with Inc. Magazine, Deloitte Chairman Punit Renjen said that articulating and communicating your purpose isn’t as easy as it sounds. “You have to really understand the essence of why you exist,” he says. “In addition to crafting a mission statement, it also involves embedding the purpose into the entire organization.” Chris Groscurth from Gallup also shared research comparing the performance levels of companies that were mission-driven and those that were not.

You are motivated, want to make a difference. You may even be a seasoned leader of an organization that has a proven track record of success. Yet, you may also feel stagnated and growth has flattened. This section will give you the tools and methods to reconnect with your mission, and re-energize yourself, your team and the community.

is potential.
is nothing.

—Muhammad Ali

Latest News and Updates

Monday, June 26, 11:59 p.m. (PST) – National Accelerator application period ends
Tuesday, June 27, 4:00 p.m. (CDT) – Minnesota Accelerator event finale

Course Library

Explore advanced training curated for social impact entrepreneurs and nonprofits.
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Refine, Test and Prove Your Business’s Focus
a Black woman in a thinking pose with her hand on her chin in front of a bookshelf

Refine, Test and Prove Your Business’s Focus

A clear understanding of the problem you want to solve will help you determine the right goals to target and the factors and conditions required to determine success.

What You’ll Learn:

Understand how to refine, test and prove the solution to a problem you’ve identified.

A framework for asking the right questions to support the logic behind why your company exists

Discover Your Moonshot
conceptual landscape of a beach and night sky with a gold streak arching over the ocean

Discover Your Moonshot

Moonshot thinking refers to choosing a huge, seemingly insurmountable problem and proposing a radical solution to that problem using disruptive technology.

What You’ll Learn:

Understanding the power and importance of moonshots

Reviewing successful moonshots

Building a 10-word moonshot statement

Understanding Business Models (Advanced)
a digital illustration of a red & white target board with some arrows in the ground and one in the bullseye

Understanding Business Models (Advanced)

Building a home requires a blueprint, ensuring that each element of that home lasts and can withstand the elements of time. Your business model is like a blueprint to help you combine the right components to ensure your investment is soundly managed and grows.

What You’ll Learn:

How to build a customer journey map

Your Go-to-Market Strategy (GTM)

Your profit model

Key drivers of profitability

The top 10 business models

Your Brand’s Story
Russell Fearon, a Black man actively speaking with a large tree on a screen behind him

Your Brand’s Story

The brand’s story works in two ways:

1. To quickly convey what you do.

2. To concisely convey why the market should trust you.

Learn how to build a brand story that builds trust and finds customers.

What You’ll Learn:

Understand and choose your brand type.

Build a brand experience that supports your brand type.

Tips for owning the room and being center-stage ready

Your Customer’s Story
a painting of a treasure chest filled with coins in a cave with a tall ship sailing in the distance

Your Customer’s Story

Your customer’s story is complicated. As you look at ways to connect with them, understanding their journeys provides you with critical data to connect the dots between what you offer and what they need.

What You’ll Learn:

Understand how to unlock and analyze qualitative data.

Expand the vision beyond the customer to their environment for additional context.

Craft the customer’s story.

Your Product’s Story
an aerial view of a person cutting paper over a table covered in art supplies

Your Product’s Story

A product or service can be copied by a competitor; a brand is unique.

Find or keep your competitive edge in the market by thinking outside of the box and challenge your thinking about your current product’s design.

What You’ll Learn:

Using design thinking methodologies, you’ll be guided through an iterative process to test and improve your business’s focus.

Build low-fidelity and high level prototypes to test your theory.

How to host a stakeholder review to gather data

Craft (or sharpen) a Unique Value Proposition (UVP) statement.

Business Finance Basics
a Black woman in a grey turtleneck and glasses is sitting at a desk in front of a window using a calculator and holding an invoice

Business Finance Basics 

This section aims to help you understand how to maximize the value of a business through effective financial planning, resource management, and finance growth while always being mindful of risk and profitability.

What You’ll Learn:

Balance Sheet Basics

Income Statement Basics

Profit and Loss Basics

Tips for Getting Your Financial House in Order

Level Up Your Fundraising II
a cropped white computer keyboard with one blue key containing a white heart and the word donate

Level Up Your Fundraising II

This section will teach you the various options for selecting the appropriate funding vehicles for your business model.

What You’ll Learn:


Angel investing

Fundraising for nonprofits

Small-business grants: Where to find free money

Participating in the ETS accelerators or the SIFs

Promotion & Publicity II
a professional Hispanic/Latina woman sitting on a sofa in front of her laptop and a ring light

Promotion & Publicity II 

To survive and grow your business, you need customers. To get customers, you need to promote your business. From your website to social media, there are plenty of creative, low-cost, free methods to get the word out and generate buzz to attract customers.

What You’ll Learn:

How to leverage your website

Where to find your customers

How to be a trusted advisor and influencer in your market

Tips for where to promote yourself

Your Impact Story
a collage of black and white business-themed doodles

Your Impact Story

Discover and craft the data-driven story of your organization’s programs and services impact on communities. Deliver that story in ways that increase support, engagement, and repeat funding.

What You’ll Explore:

Learn key concepts in crafting your organization’s impact measurement strategies and results framework.

Data-driven storytelling

Collect data in ways that directly support your organization’s impact strategies and its intended results.

Engage with stakeholders, collect and evaluate their feedback in appropriate and productive ways.

Ask the right questions to help you deliver the right evidence-based impact.

Tips for affordable and accessible tools for finding, monitoring, and capturing data

The Role of Public Policy
U.S. Capitol building lit up at night

The Role of Public Policy

Big ideas can be more significant when your innovation affects not just the symptoms of the problem but the foundation of the problem itself. This section introduces ways to add a public policy strategy to your vision so that your innovation can further affect positive, measurable societal change. 
You’ve Got This!
a Black woman is looking up smiling while holding a coffee and smartphone, walking on a city sidewalk with glass skyscrapers in the background

You’ve Got This!

It takes guts to bring an idea to life. Start by celebrating that fact! However, if this venture is new for you, you’re probably walking into unknown territory, which can be stressful. This is your corner dedicated to helping your exhale, reconnect with the joy of the pursuit of making the impossible happen.

What You’ll Explore:


Imposter Syndrome


High performance

Physical strength

Mental strength

closeup of woman with question marks
a digital tablet, newspaper, smartphone and coffee cup are sitting on a white table inside a bright living space
closeup of woman with question marks

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most popular questions about the EmPOWERED Innovation Academy.
a digital tablet, newspaper, smartphone and coffee cup are sitting on a white table inside a bright living space

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