conceptual landscape of a beach and night sky with a gold streak arching over the ocean

Empowered Innovation Academy

A free unique learning experience providing innovators like you the tools to be at the forefront of health equity and lasting change. Take your front row seat to a self-paced, interactive training that will help you grow and scale your business.

Get ready to ACCELERATE your business!

Bringing an idea to life and then building it into a business comes with exhilarating highs and disappointing lows. Whether you have an idea with enormous potential that you want to explore or after grinding it out after a few years, you need to keep up with the evolving marketplace to keep your vision fresh. You’re in the right place.

The EmPOWERED Innovation Academy empowers you to build your resolve, readiness and skills to be an active, productive and impactful business. This discovery experience is focused mainly on you, your history and the impact you want to make in the world. The academy offers self-paced, complimentary, interactive courses for all levels of entrepreneurs, social enterprises, innovators and leaders in the social impact and digital health technology space. Jump into one lesson or take them all.

Step One:
Get Prepared!

You want to expand your business and its health impact. Are you ready for what it takes?

Step Two:
Get Started!

New to the Innovation Academy? Complete the short registration process.*

*The American Heart Association is dedicated to protecting your privacy. We will not share your personal information.

Are you returning?

Go to your course program for the latest modules, news and updates.


Where are you on your entrepreneurial journey?

See where you fit into our complimentary course curriculum.
hands forming lightbulb ideas

I want to launch an

I have a great idea that has potential, but I'm not sure how to move forward.

I have a “hobby” that I’m ready to transition to a business.

I need help testing and validating my business idea.

I need to raise funds.

I’m looking for next level thinking and challenges.

farmers market in teaching gardens

I want to change the world.

I have an organization / business / nonprofit addressing social determinants of health (SDOH).

I took the leap to solve a community problem, but I’m stuck.

A lot of organizations are doing something similar; we need to stand out.

medical technology concept

I want to disrupt the status quo.

My tech solution has strong IP that’s improving health conditions.

I have a strong prototype.

I’m working on or have a software / app / technology / device.

I have some market traction, but we’re not moving fast enough.

My tech is in the FDA review phase.

How am I reaching my end user?

I’m searching for manufacturing partners

The Academy will give you access to tools to learn how to:

  1. Define (or refine) your idea

  2. Understand what motivates your users and stakeholders

  3. Discover new areas of impact

  4. Build and test prototypes

  5. Know what key metrics of success are critical to understand and capture

  6. Create a 10-word Health Impact Moonshot statement


Innovation Academy FAQs

What You Can Expect From Us

  • Full access to a platform that meets you where you are.
  • Entry to invite-only events to help you enrich your network.
  • We promise to share the best health equity and public policy practices whenever possible.


What’s Expected of You

  • Check your ego at the door.
  • Be honest with yourself, so you can be honest with those around you.
  • Be open to doing whatever it takes to adjust your business, the message, and even your approach to activating your brand’s purpose.
EmPOWERED to Serve Mid-South Business Accelerator 2022 awardee

to Serve Business Accelerator

A grant and training opportunity for organizations making a health impact through addressing food insecurity, transportation, access to healthcare, STEM, youth education and more.
AHA Social Impact Funds Social Enterprise: Forty Acres Fresh Market

The Social Impact Funds

The American Heart Association is investing in local entrepreneurs and organizations that are breaking down the social and economic barriers to health equity.