Empowered to Serve™

Empowered to Serve is a platform inspired by American Heart Association volunteers around the country who are passionate about driving change through health justice and empowerment in their communities.
Communities need localized solutions that will help individuals and families escalate beyond poverty and achieve improved life outcomes. No one knows the changes needed in a community as well as the members themselves.
Explore the Empowered to Serve programs and resources to boost your impact.

Heart Clubs
You’re never too young to make an impact!

Business Accelerator
Providing founders making a health impact with equitable access to resources and funding

Innovation Academy
Build your resolve, readiness and skills to be an active, productive and impactful business.

AHA Scholars
EmPOWERED Scholars, HBCU and HSI opportunities for future leaders and mentors in health equity
Community Resources
Community Health Lessons

18 science-based toolkits covering two essential areas: health education and community advocacy
Stories around the people, coalitions, and individuals making transformative changes to the social determinants of health
Stroke Resources

Helpful materials to educate people on the warning signs of stroke...F.A.S.T.
Women’s Health Support

Addressing the awareness and clinical care gaps of women’s greatest health threat, cardiovascular disease

Teens Come Together to Learn Hands-Only CPR

Check In & Check Up for Your Health with Sybil Wilkes

Sign up to receive the Empowered to Serve e-newsletter.
- Community activism
- Health education for you and your community, and
- Social justice for historically under-resourced communities.